Aggressive Representation And Legal Advice From A Dedicated Father-Son Team

Attorney Jorge L. Gonzalez

Advice on Creating a Solid Parenting Plan

On Behalf of | Jan 13, 2020 | Family Law

Family law is one of the most delicate forms of legal action, as it deals with many sensitive topics for everyone involved. There’s no better example of this than with child custody battles, and we at the Law Offices of Jorge L. Gonzalez have years of experience helping parents fight them. With this experience in mind, we have some advice to share with you on how to develop a healthy child custody parenting plan. That said, you still may need the assistance of a family law attorney, so consider us in Doral, FL.

Think of the Child First

First and foremost, the most important thing to keep in mind when developing your child custody plan is to place them above everything else. There are many factors to consider, such as school schedules, distance from relatives, after school activities, and the child’s friends. While you may ultimately be divided in nearly every front with your ex, one thing you both should always be united on is providing the best for your child. For that reason, it can be very helpful to have a civil conversation about these factors with them if at all possible, though some extreme circumstances may not allow this.

Tips on Your Child Custody Parenting Plan

While there are a lot of things to consider when developing your child custody plan, we can help you organize the best way to handle it all.

  • Don’t Delay
    • Don’t wait to develop your plan until the last minute. Developing a plan for your child is one of the first things that should be done once a divorce is decided on. The more time you give yourself and your ex to think about and plan for your child, the better.
  • Be Reasonable
    • In many cases, you may want your ex to be completely out of your life and the life of your child, but that’s rarely the result. Even if you absolutely hate your ex, it’s important to remember that your child may love them, and they may love your child.
  • Vocalize Your Concerns
    • In more extreme cases, there may be concerns you have about your ex regarding their ability to care for your child, such as involvement with substance abuse, crime, alcohol, or domestic violence. This is likely where the help of a family law attorney will come in.
  • Ask Your Child
    • Your child is ultimately their own person and not a piece of property to feud over. Ask what it is they want, where they want to be, and have respect for their opinions. Being a parent is about respecting your child’s wants while using your best judgment to do what’s best for their needs, but it can be easy to forget the former.
  • Communicate with Your Ex
    • This is worth mentioning again. Even if you hate your ex, the best thing you can do with them is to be civil with them in regards to your child and maintain a healthy line of communication for your child custody plans.
  • Develop a Support Network
    • After a divorce, a lot may change with how you’re able to care for them. There may be days where suddenly, there’s no one to care for them after school or on a weekend. Work with your family and close family friends to ensure your child has all the care they need when they’re with you.

Contact Us for a Family Law Attorney

Not every child custody parenting plan goes smoothly. In fact, most probably have some complication and conflict between both parties. This is where a family law attorney can come in to help you fight for your parental rights. This is especially important for extreme cases. If you live in or near Doral, FL, then contact us today so that we can help you with your child’s custody.

